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No Thanks to Cake: Eleven.Eleven.Eleven

Friday, November 11, 2011


For today's pre-Montelucia posting, I've decided to share with you ELEVEN random things that have happened this week.  

I missed 11:11 today on 11/11/11.  I was listening to my favorite radio show Wake Up with Taylor and got wrapped upon the show's content. 

I'm sorta bummed, because I had the perfect wish in mind.  One that I really want to come true.  Maybe the fact that I was thinking of it about 22 minutes before had a wish-like effect.  

I found a gym I want to join this week, and I haven't been yet despite the free 7-day pass.  When I told my friend Laurel about the find and was excited about it, she asked me what I was waiting for and specifically asked "What are you afraid of?"  I honestly don't know, but it caught my attention more than she knows.  It's something I definitely need to do some thinking on. 

I love that friends ask the real questions.

I've become obsessed with a new sandwich shop.  After eating Subway for a YEAR, I've needed a few alternatives.  Have you tried Which Wich?  It's insanely good.  

I estimate my 7" Chicken Sandwich with Honey Mustard and Veggies on Wheat is 380 calories, and worth EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!

It's harder to write about eleven things than I thought it would be.

I've been roasting just about every vegetable in my fridge.  From Green Beans to Broccoli to Cauliflower to Carrots... All have been so delish!  If you haven't tried your favorite veggie roasted, it's time.

I'll be eating pasta on Saturday night in Scottsdale at my favorite italian restaurant on the planet - - Marcellino's.  The real deal pasta.  The kind that dreams are made of.

Assuming the weather cooperates this weekend, I'm also planning to hike this mountain - - Camelback Mountain.

That same picture (above) was requested by the Montelucia for potential use in print/internet ads.  I love this pic, and I felt a little famous when they posted it on their Facebook page. 

Golden Beets are gorgeous.  This is the first time I've ever cooked with them.  So delicious and so pretty.  ROASTED.

I found a new favorite walking spot in town.  I can't wait to get back to this lake next weekend and walk.  It's 1.5 miles around the lake, with the most stunning view.  So stunning, it gets three pics.

I'm determined to eat healthy, work out, and most importantly, enjoy myself this weekend in AZ.  I will probably be tweeting and very likely not blogging.  Have a great weekend!

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At November 14, 2011 at 6:37 AM , Blogger Momma Buzz said...

Hope you had a great weekend in AZ! Looks freaken awesome!


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